Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Ministry of Culture: DBpedia.fr

This project named "DBpedia.fr" proposes the creation of a French chapter of the base DBpedia used in many English applications, in particular for the publication of cultural collections. Because DBpedia is focused on the English version of Wikipedia it ignores some of the French topics and their data. This projects aims at extracting a maximum of RDF data from the French version and providing a stable and scalable end-point for them. We now consider means to improve both the quantity and the quality of the data. The DBpedia.fr project was the first project of the Semanticpedia convention signed by the Ministry of Culture, the Wikimedia foundation and Inria.

Web site: http://wimmics.inria.fr/projects/dbpedia

ANR Datalift

DataLift is an ANR project (2010-2013). Its goal is to design a platform to publish and interlink datasets on the Web of data. Datalift will both publish datasets coming from a network of partners and data providers and propose a set of tools for easing the datasets publication process. DataLift brings raw structured data coming from various formats (relational databases, CSV, XML, ...) to semantic data interlinked on the Web of Data.

Partners: Inria Exmo & Wimmics, LIRMM, Eurecom, Mondeca, Atos, IGN, INSEE, FING

Web site: http://www.datalift.org

ANR Kolflow

Kolflow is an ANR project (2011-2014), it proposes to extend collective intelligence with smart agents relying on automated reasoning. Smart agents can significantly reduce the overhead of communities in the process of continuously building knowledge. Consequently, continuous knowledge building is much more effcient. Kolflow aims at building a social semantic space where humans collaborate with smart agents in order to produce knowledge understandable by humans and machines.

Partners: Inria Orpailleur & Wimmics, Silex U. Claude Bernard Lyon, GDD U. of Nantes

Web site: http://kolflow.univ-nantes.fr


This new ANR project is starting in December 2012. The objective of OCKTOPUS is to increase the potential social and economic benefit of the large and quickly growing amounts of user-generated content, by transforming it into useful knowledge. We believe that it is possible to considerably improve upon existing generic Information Retrieval techniques by exploiting the specific structure of this content and of the online communities which produce it. Specifically, we will focus on a multi-disciplinary approach in order to address the problem of finding relevant answers to questions within forums and question-answer sites. To create metrics and predictors of content quality and use them to improve the search experience of a user, we will take advantage of:

  • the experience of the CRG (the management research institute of Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS) to understand better the incentives of, and interactions between individuals who produce online content within large communities;

  • the experience of the Wimmics research team to analyze the structural and temporal aspects of the complex typed social graphs found within these communities;

  • the ability of Alcméon (a start-up developing a search application dedicated to user-generated content) to integrate and test the results of OCKTOPUS within a common demonstration framework, in order to assess their practical usefulness when applied to concrete large-scale datasets.

We believe that this approach will maximize the scientific, economic and social impact of OCKTOPUS by giving high visibility to the research results produced by our academic partners, and by providing a direct route to transfer these results to the internet marketplace through Alcméon’s commercial products.

Partners: Alcméon, CRG, Inria Wimmics.

Web site: http://ocktopus.alcmeon.com


We participate to the CrEDIBLE research project funded by the MASTODONS program of the interdisciplinary mission of CNRS which objective is to bring together scientists from all disciplines involved in the implementation of systems sharing of distributed and heterogeneous medical imaging, provide an overview of this area and to evaluate methods of state of the art and technology that affect this area. In this framework, we participated to the organization of a 3-days workshop and we worked with members of the I3S Modalis team on the distribution of algorithms in the Corese/KGRAM engine [33] , [63] , [64] .

Web site: https://credible.i3s.unice.fr

Inria Large scale initiative action PAL

Wimmics entered this year the Inria large scale initiative Personal Assistant Living (PAL), devoted to the assistance to elderly and fragile people. Our contribution in PAL is described in section 6.16.2 .

Web site: http://pal.inria.fr

Follow up: GDR I3I

In the continuation of a specific action (AS) Interopérabilité des Systèmes d’Information et Ingénierie des Modèles, funded by GDR I3I in 2011, C. Faron-Zucker worked in 2012 on a synthesis work on the contributions of model driven engineering to the interoperability of information systems [45] . She was specially involved on model and data integration issues which can also be found in the CrEDIBLE project.